Tuesday, February 21, 2012

handmade tags

hallow! akhirnya punya keberanian untuk nulis blog lagi, thanx to mba nuninng dari  mad crafter yg udah ngedandanin blogku ini jadi cantik bangeeeet
Anyway, I've been haunted by handmade tags lately. Awalnya googling, liat2 handmade embellishment, dan ketemu handmade tags yg cantik banget, sampe jd kepingin bikin juga, tapi krn banyakx pesanan fabric flower (Alhamdulillah ya, Sesuatu!) jadinya gak sempat deh.Until last night (actually it was 2 o'clock in the morning) keinginan itu sdh gak terbendung lagi and voila! here they are

Buatnya sih dari apa yang ada saja, karton putih, sedikit kain dan some embellishments.

dan karena kartonnya terlalu putih I add same black ink with my finger around the card stock, you can see my fingerprints all over the tags, I prefer brown ink, though, to give vintage look, but there is only the black ink, take it or leave it.

I also attached a birdcage (ada apa dengan birdcage ya? all scrapbookers, well most of them, just love bird cage). I cut it from my linen fabric, cute eh?
 So, the question is... sebenarnya tag itu untuk apa ya? I mean, I made it coz it looks cute..and then what?many people sell it, and even  more buy it.  Any suggestion?
I leave you with that question, I see you at the next post (soon I hope, or will get pinched by someone)


  1. wow, cantik2 mba nuniek handmade tags-nya :D I personally like the one with the bird cage (kayak namecardnya BBC, heheheh) - o iya, jadi inget dulu pas bikin prakarya SD, mba nuniek kalau mau juga bisa menambahkan black inknya pakai sikat gigi bekas sama sisir plastik yg digesek2in gituw - jangan lupa tutupin bagian yang tengah * wehehe, just an idea .. love your pics, makin oke aja nih gambar2nya, mudah2an bikin makin bersemangat ngeblog lagi ya mba :))

  2. makasih mbak, dapat pengetahuan lagi deh, nanti saya mo coba ah. he..he.. saya sdh latihan foto2 mbak as you suggest, thanx to pixlr juga hihihi
